Wrappers grow with our programs and with our users. They can instantly define the look and feel of a document or of hundreds of documents, from your most informal note to very formal letterhead. Even better, Wrappers allow you to change the character of a document in one place and instantly prepare for all its uses.
For people who haven't seen wrappers before, I'll just show you what wrappers do.
This is a a form that just has some nonsense text in it. Notice that it's very, plain. No particular headers, footers, borders, anything like that.
And after filling in the answers to the questionnaire, I've also got a drop down choice here to select a wrapper. And the question here could be anything you want the question to, be. It could be, choose a letterhead, choose a format, choose a look for this document, and then the form user would choose one of the available choices here. I've got two choices. Let's go with the first one, Acme.
And when I click fill here, not only are the fields filled in, but also a wrapper is applied to this document. The wrapper includes this Acme International heading up at the top. It has reformatted the level one headings this way, reformatted the level two headings this way, changed the font, put a big watermark on the whole thing, and here's a footer that got added at the bottom. So the whole overall look of the finished doc now if I had chosen the other choice down here, posh, and clicked fill, you'd see a very different look. So we've got some flowery, letterhead up at the top, a border around the whole page, and the format of those headings and subheadings has changed. The font is different. The indentation even is different now.
Totally different. Look. The content of this document, the words are the same. All the fields have been filled in identically. All the language is the same. The only thing that has changed is the look. The wrappers are used to change the look of a finished product based on either the author's instructions or on the form user's input as I did down here.
Now let's look at how to create these things and apply them. I'm gonna close this.
Suppose I've got, this letterhead that I like, for my office, and I want to apply it to various of my forms. I could just copy the header here and go out and paste it into all my letter forms individually.
But then if my letterhead changes at some point in the future, maybe the design changes or maybe, my address changes, something like that, then I have to go around to each one of my forms and individually, make that change in all of them. Instead, I can create a wrapper that contains just this letterhead, and then I can apply that wrapper to all of my letter forms.
And then in the future, when the the letterhead changes, I just need to change it in one place in the wrapper, and all of the forms that use that wrapper will be automatically updated live as I use them.
So I'm going to create a wrapper using this letterhead. The way you create a wrapper is you open a document that contains the look you want, and the look includes the header, the footer, the styles, the margins, the page size, the indents, all of that kind of stuff.
Open a document that contains the look and then create a wrapper out of it by doing this. First, delete the contents of the document, all of this text in the middle here, I'm just pressing control a to select all that text and delete it. It's gone. So all that's left is the wrapper materials, header, footer, styles, and formatting.
Then on your and this goes for all three products, the PhoneTool Pro, Docsera, and Docsera DB.
On your, program tab here, choose sources, wrappers.
This is our wrapper screen, and you'll see the item at the bottom here says create new wrapper with current document. I'm gonna click this now and it's not gonna work, and I'll show you why. I'll click it, and it says before the current document can be used to create a wrapper, it must be saved.
Okay. So I'm gonna back out of this.
Just close it up, and I need to save this document. See, it says document four up here. This document is not saved anywhere. Before I can create a wrapper out of it, it has to be saved somewhere. I don't wanna save it over the top of my original letter that I opened up at the beginning of this, because I deleted all the text out of it. So just save it somewhere temporarily.
File, save as. I'm just gonna put a copy of it on my desktop here, and I'll call it temp. Not anything I'm gonna use again. I just need to temporarily save it somewhere. Now that it has been saved, I'll go back into my wrappers, click that same button again, create new wrapper with current document, and I get to give it a name. I'm gonna call this Tic Tac Toe Letterhead.
That wrapper has been saved independent of all my forms, and it's available to be used by all my forms in the same way that master lists and folios and and data sources exist outside of your forms, but accessible to them. So I'm gonna close this.
And now I need to use that wrapper that I created. Here I've got a form.
It does not yet have any wrapper capability in it, and I, as the form author, am going to, add wrapper capability to it. So first, I'll add a row to my questionnaire with row add, and I'm not typing in a label.
I'll show you why in a moment. I'm leaving that blank. Here, I'm putting in a question for the form user, what letterhead should be used.
And this can be done in two ways.
First off, I'm showing you how to do it if you want the form user to be able to choose which wrapper gets applied. Then in a moment, I'll show you second way, which is to have the form author dictate which wrapper gets used. Two different approaches here. This first one, I'm letting the form user choose which wrapper will be used. And here in the answer box, when I click the smart answer button, because I've not typed anything in the label box yet, it's gonna give me this menu.
It says, I don't have a label for this question yet, so I can either type in a label or I can make it a wrapper question. That's what I'm gonna do. And that's why I left that label box blank because I wanted the opportunity here to turn it into a wrapper question.
And when I click okay, the program, you can see behind it here, it has applied this TFQ wrapper label.
If I had remembered that that's what the the the label that was required, I could have just typed that myself and skipped that little intermediate menu. But I find it easier to just leave the label blank because then I don't have to remember the exact code word here that's gonna turn it into a a wrapper question.
So it is now a wrapper question. I have only two possibilities here, drop down or derived. For the first time through here, I'm going with drop down, which means I want a single drop down box, and I, as the form author, get to choose which of my wrappers will appear in this drop down list. I want my form user to be able to choose that Tic Tac Toe letterhead that I just created, or I'll let them choose, Acme or Posh, one of those other two wrappers that we were looking at earlier. So So I'm gonna give them three choices in the drop down list. I click okay.
That creates this drop down with the three choices.
And now when the form user comes along and fills in this form, name John Doe, effective date, and wrapper, I'll go with that tic tac toe letterhead that we just created.
Now when the form user clicks fill, I end up with my Tic Tac Toe letterhead up on top.
And I can do that same process to all my other letter forms as well so that each one of them is gonna get a consistent look and a consistent letter hot head across all of my letter forms even when I decide to change my look or my letterhead somewhere down the line.
Now let's look at the second possibility.
Instead of I'm gonna close this one.
And here is the starting form again.
This time, instead of letting the form user choose what wrapper gets applied, I, as the form author, am going to dictate which wrapper gets applied. So, again, this will be real similar to what we did last time. I add a row at the bottom. I leave the label blank.
I don't even need to type anything for the question because the form user is not gonna be making this decision. But just as a note to myself, I will, put in a note so I know what I'm doing here. Let's see. This is a derived wrapper question.
Here in the answer box, I click smart answer. I say I want it to be a wrapper question. Okay. And this time, instead of choosing drop down for the form user to choose, I'm gonna choose derived so that I can choose. And all I have to do is choose which one I want to apply. I'm gonna go with that tic tac toe letterhead.
Click okay. And that's now dictated.
The form user will not be able to change that. Anytime you're using derived answers, you don't want the form user to see them. You wanna hide them so that the form user is not, confused by them. So I'm gonna do that now.
I'm gonna click row column, show hide. That turns off the visibility of derived answers. I click that now. So now we get a nice clean questionnaire with no opportunity for the form user to get confused by that wrapper question.
So the form user comes along. They fill in the text, John Smith, effective date. And when they click fill, that hidden drive answer is gonna kick in, and it's gonna imply this is going to apply the wrapper that the author has select preselected. So I click fill here, and I end up with that nice letterhead again.
So two different ways to, apply a wrapper to a finished document.
Now one more thing that we have never before been able to show with wrappers is how wrappers work with, Doxera DB. So everything I did up to now applies to all three products. This applies only to Doxera DB.
And we have here, a form that's set up to pull information from an external data source. This one runs off of an Excel spreadsheet.
And let's suppose that, I wanna generate a whole bunch of these letters, the form letter, basically, using DocsRob b b. And as they get generated, I want to apply a wrapper to them, to each one of those separate documents that gets generated. So the process is just the same as before. I'm gonna add a row here.
Leave that the, the label blank.
This is a, derived wrapper. Put in a note to myself there.
Smart answer.
Make it a wrapper question. Okay.
And I'm gonna choose that same wrapper again that I want to apply to all of these documents.
Then I can hide my derived answers.
I come along now as the form user.
I fill in the date of the shareholders meeting. And for recipient, the recipient here is a fetch answer. And if you've used Doctor. DB, this will be familiar to you. Instead of fetching a single person, I'm gonna choose to make this a multidoc, meaning that I can generate a whole bunch of finished letters from this one form. And I click okay.
So when I click fill, I get to choose which of these people I want to include.
And, actually, let me shrink this down because I want you to be able to see the results as they come in. Here's my results folder. The finished letters are gonna wind up in this folder down here when I click fill. And let's do letters to, Betty and Diane and Fran and Gary and Danez.
That's one, two, three, four, five finished letters here, and I'll click okay.
And this lets me choose how I want those letters to be named. I'll click okay again.
And one, two, it's applying the wrapper then filling in the fields for each one of these five letters.
Four five. So there's my five finished letters.
Each one of them has individually had the wrapper applied to it, and so I get the same nice consistent result across all of my finished documents by applying the wrapper.
tags: Header, footer, headings, font, watermark, style, border, indent, margin