A failure of the program to activate will be caused by one of four issues, in this order:
1. Using an incorrect Registration Name
2. Using an incorrect License Code
3. Attempting to license an inappropriate program. An example, attempting to activate Doxserá DB with a Doxserá License Code.
4. Attempting to register a very old, out of date version of the program. You can compare your version number by clicking About on the Menu Bar with the current version numbers of our software from the Knowledge Base at https://service.theformtool.com/hc/en-us/articles/212280686-Click-Here-for-Current-Version-Numbers.
You can retrieve your Registration Name (which is not necessarily your firm name) and License Code from your account in our secure online store.
We believe that using Word’s copy (ctrl-C) and paste (commands (ctrl-V) are best to use to avoid typos.
If you are certain that none of these issues applies, please provide service@theformtool.com a screen shot of the About window and the License window after filling but before clicking Submit.