For most installations, where users use the same username when operating either locally or on Citrix, you’ll need one license per user (as determined by the user’s Windows username). You'll want to select the "Licenses apply to 'people'" option in the "Manage Licenses" window in order to allow a user to sign in from one machine in the office and another machine remotely. This choice is a Doxserá-, DB-, or Aurora-only feature.
If users have different usernames when logged in via Citrix (strangely, this is sometimes the case), it’s possible that they all have the same “computer name” when connected via Citrix. In that case, you could buy just one additional license to cover the Citrix server, and change Dox’s Manage Licenses setting to “count computer names”. Again, you could test this by trying it out with one user then checking the list of licensees to see whether that user is now listed twice.
If users have different usernames when logged in via Citrix AND they each have a different “computer name” when logged in via Citrix, then you'll need to buy an additional license for each user who connects via Citrix.
For small deployments, repeat these steps for each user:
1. Log on as the user and double-click the installation file to install as usual.
2. Open Word, click TheFormTool/Doxserá Options, Path, and browse to and choose the path to a storage folder of your choosing.
Assuming that you’ve previously entered your license code from any computer that uses that shared folder, you do not need to re-enter the license code.
For large deployments:
1. Install for one user as shown above.
2. Copy these two files from that user’s profile to a storage location of your choosing
a. C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\[TheFormToolPRO.dotm or Doxsera.dotm]
b. C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\TheFormTool\TheFormTool.ini
3. Create a script to copy the two files from the storage location and paste them into other users’ profiles.
Note that in some Citrix environments the profile area is mirrored in another location while the user is remotely connected, and synchronized during logoff. Make sure the two copied files get into the user’s actual profile and are not removed during the synching process the next time they log on or off.
tags: remote, license, server farm, network