I've recently started to work with your form tool pro in an exploratory capacity to investigate whether the firm I work for wants to invest in it fully, and get it for all the attorneys and staff. For the sample document I've been assigned to format the attorney's and staff chose a divorce stipulation. One of the things I've stumbled upon that would make the use of the form tool even more amazing than I already think it is would be a conditional choice based on previous conditional answers. I don't know how difficult it would be to code, but I've run into a lot of situations where I need to insert information for the respondent/petitioner that is linked to what an answer is at the beginning of the paragraph. I.e. The [petitioner][respondent] will provide permanent residence for children at [his][her] domicile located at [petitioner address][respondent address]. Now I can easily have an answer asking "which parent will provide permanent residence?" and have my answers be a choice of "petitioner" or "respondent" but I haven't seen anything that allows me to put in "if answer to x field is "a" then fill with pronoun from y field" or "if answer to x field is "a" then fill with answer from y field."
If there is already a way of doing this that is easier and faster than setting up a series of conditions in the body of the document for every possible outcome to every possible choice, I would love to know what it is, but I thought if it didn't exist it would be a not-too-impossible bit of coding that would make you amazing product even better.