I am having a pronoun issue. This arises in a notary block which is essentially a repeating paragraph within a list. I have conditions that generate different blocks depending on whether the signer is an individual or in a representative capacity for an entity. A second condition is whether I am the notary or not.
I have a problem when a signer is signing in a representative capacity for an entity in this form. In one instance, I have two signatories, one male and one female. The pronoun reference does not work for the female and I can’t figure out why as it seems I built both forms similarly.
I do notice that in the dialogue box for the bill of sale when I click on the field for the pronoun it shows a drop down that displays “current” as an item under the Item tab. Also in this list tab, on the right hand side the radio button labeled defined shows the pronouns. Different, in the notary block form there is no “current” choice. Instead it shows two drop down boxes with other choices. And when you click the list tab, there is still a radio button labeled “defined” but he choices are related to the count format, i.e. numbers.
So the bottom line question is what I am missing that prevents me from getting a correct pronoun in the condition where I have an entity?
By email from Steven Stovall