How to manage page numbers in Word sections
A popular question is, "How can I arrange for page numbers to start again with each new section in my document?"
Here's the answer:
1. Add a next-page section break between each sub-document. (Click Page Layout, Breaks, Section Break Next Page.)
2. Set up the header and footer in the first document the way you want them.
3. On the first page of each secondary document:
a. Put the cursor in the header and go to the Header and Footer Design tab.
b. Turn off the Link to Previous button if it is on. (It’s a toggle button.)
c. Modify the header for this subdocument as needed.
d. If Different First Page is turned on, repeat steps b and c on the second page too.
e. Click Page Number, Format Page Numbers, Start at, 1, OK.
f. Repeat steps a-e for the footer(s).
There are other approaches too, but the above is a good generalized procedure that will work in almost every situation. Section breaks and header/footers are a real pain in MS Word.